Saturday, April 14, 2012

What Is Pro Flight Simulator?

An advanced software system that pulls you into your computer screen and put's you behind the controls of an aircraft from the comfort of your favorite chair, that's what a great flight simulator is. Pro Flight Simulator is the very best flight Sim around for computer gaming enthusiasts and is available to anyone who would like to purchase it, and I'll fill you in on how to go about that a little later on.The aviation industry uses high tech flight simulators to train pilot's and crew's because of the sophisticated controls and PC technology, it is also used in the aerospace industry for test's and development.

The main purpose of the high tech and very high dollar simulator is pilot training. It will teach the beginner pilot the cockpit procedures and different aircraft system such as controls, radar, on board computers, auto pilot etc... The advanced simulators have the ability to move in any motion, and will have several screens built around the pilot to view the outside surroundings. The high tech flight Sims are very realistic feeling as you will know as your being tossed around the cockpit while performing maneuvers.

The advanced system's also give a pilot the thrill of rotation and linear movement.They prepare you for failures in, pressure, electronics, instrumentation, flight hydraulics, and the list goes on. They will also get the pilot ready to fly in emergency situations like a rescue mission or fire fighting mission or whatever, again the list never end's.

Flight simulation software was developed for PC gaming platforms for use on home computer systems for the every day person. These games can be used for basic training and they actually are used today in some flight schools. Some good Flight Sim software has been developed in recent years that far exceed the old school systems. The top of the line software is perfect for the wannabe pilot or just to play around with, just stay away from the bad ones, as they will turn you away from the world of flight simulation altogether, like anything else in this world there are many terrible ones, a few good ones, and one that puts them all to shame.

Things have changed quit a bit over the years, and I have been through the ringer with bad flight software. I have tested just about every one of them, and there is only one that I would recommend to anybody. So you don't have to waste your money or time on any of the crap out there. I guarantee what Im telling you will be the closest you can get to the real thing with out leaving your computer desk.

Pro Flight Simulator is what I recommend to be the very best and you can get it at  The Pro Flight Simulator website Here!   for a 50% discount for a limited time, you will also get three extra bonus tool's for free for the time being including a flight training manual.

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