Friday, April 13, 2012

What Is The Best Flight Simulator - Pro Flight Simulator?

Who has the best flight simulator?

With all the popularity in the aviation industry these days it is no surprise in the number of flight simulator game's out on the market today, but most of them are just flat out not keeping up with the technology that is readily available this day and age in the world of gaming and simulation. Although the majority of them truly do stink, some are extremely sophisticated work's of art and are actually being used in flight school's and by our military to train future pilot's with. Not only are they used for training purpose's but they are also used by ordinary everyday people too, some play just for the gaming side of a well put together package, some use them to learn how to fly on there own. If a flight simulator is something your interested in then you must get the best one, because a bad one will shatter all hope for you of ever becoming a pilot.

A great simulator will have stunning graphics and if the you get doesn't have then trust me, you will have absolutely no desire at all to continue using it. The best flight simulator will have beautiful scenery and real world features without any lag during fly time.These feature alone will play a great deal in adding realism to the flight Sim, you are not looking for the virtual world type feel, you are looking for the feel of the real deal man.

The best flight training software should have amazing graphics so it doesn't hurt your eyes to look at it, you can not fly an aircraft if you can't even see it or your surrounding's.I can not stress enough on the importance of good, no I take that back, great graphics. This will aid you in your quest to improve on your ability the learn. Various flight mechanism's should be available for the different types of aircraft, some use the same controls on an airplane that they would use in a helicopter, this is very lame. The PC game should keep your heart pumping with adrenaline and have you walking away with a feeling of accomplishment, eager to return for more.

You want the best software the industry has to offer,so that means it must also be capable of adding the best hardware such as hand controls, in case you want to add them to arsenal later on to sharpen your skill's even more. Look for one with the most choices for aircraft to fly, and also one with many airport's that you can fly to and from just like in real life.

I can save you a lot of time money and frustration by suggesting my favorite one, and tell you how you can own it. Pro Flight Simulator is simply the best. With over 145 wonderful aircraft and 21,000 exact modeled airport's, stunning graphics, breath taking scenery, and more options and features than I could possibly list here. And if you get it soon, there offering a limited time discount of a whopping 50% plus three incredible bonus's including a flight training manual.

 Head on over to proflightsimulator and just check out the beauty of all it has to offer!

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